What is prolapse?
The pelvic floor is supposed to act like a hammock, holding everything up.
Sometimes the pelvic floor can weaken and cause prolapse, when the pelvic organs (like the bladder, rectum, uterus, or vagina) shift downward. This can cause an uncomfortable feeling of pressure.
And a pessary?
A pessary is like a little shelf for your pelvic floor – a low risk, non-surgical option that offers support when you need it.
It is placed in the vagina to support the pelvic organs and give you immediate relief. It sits in a similar spot as a tampon and enables you to move freely throughout your day!
The idea of a pessary isn’t new. Women have sought relief for prolapse for thousands of years. In fact, the first recorded pessary was a pomegranate, referenced by Hippocrates in 400 BCE.
Prolapse & pessaries
At Reia, we believe modern women deserve a modern pessary.
We’re done with the 30s – that’s the 1930s when the “current” Gellhorn pessary was invented. On to the (20)20s!
What’s so special about the Reia pessary + applicator?
In place, the Reia pessary acts like a shelf to hold things up. It can support all stages of prolapse.
The ✨magic✨ of the Reia pessary is that its collapsible for easy and comfortable insertion and removal, whether done by you or your practitioner.
Four simple steps
Slide pessary into applicator
Insert into your vaginal & release the pessary.
Feel relief from your symptoms!
Pull the loop to remove. The pessary will narrow on its own!
In when you need it,
out when you don’t.
Going to sleep? Take it out!
Getting after it in the garden? Take it out!
Getting after it in the bedroom? Take it out!
Playing some pickleball? Put it in!
Going to sleep? Take it out! • Getting after it in the garden? Take it out! • Getting after it in the bedroom? Take it out! • Playing some pickleball? Put it in! •